Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Glance at Time

We have begun to look at how the events around the country, in Virginia, in the Diocese and in our parish have formed us. 
Scott led us through a timeline which showed us a bit about Christ Church, Montgomery Parish. He created the timeline by examining Parish documents and records, including Parish Registers and old Vestry Reports. As usual the documents, we leave behind will be how we are remembered.
Many noticed patterns throughout our history for example this parish often embarks on successful building improvements and expansions during period of financial uncertainty in the country. We have short tenures of many priests followed by long placements. This parish has a continuing comment to the formation of newly ordained clergy and Virginia Tech students. As we finished looking at the facts people began to share stories about other parishioners and clergy. It is wonderful to see how individuals have such a big impact on one another but also life of the community.  

Below you can see pictures of the time line that now covers the back wall of the Great Hall. Take some time to add to the information when you are in the Great Hall. 

Please share a story about your earliest memories of Christ Church with us. How have the people and our worship together formed you?

Writing interview questions
Some of our students worked hard to begin their work on the Oral History of Christ Church. They wrote interview questions and practiced both video taping and interviewing. We had a lot of fun learning about one another through the interviews.